Wie’s aussieht hat sich auch Steve Yegge schon damit beschäftigt:

OCaml has threads, exceptions, call-with-continuation, calling conventions to and from C, a rich standard library with collections, networking, I/O, graphics, a complete interface to the Unix programming API, and a powerful module system that blows Java’s packages away. It has interfaces and bindings for Oracle, MySQL, postgres, berkeley DBs, CORBA, COM, xml-rpc, SOAP, XML, perl-compatible regular expressions… the list goes on. You name it, it’s there.

OCaml has the potential to make me happy as a programmer, finally.

Mjamm :)

At first I was a bit amazed at how much support there is for real-world development in OCaml - as far as I can tell, it’s got everything you’d find in any other mainstream language, with a relatively smaller user community.

But now I think it’s not amazing at all; it’s a natural consequence of the fact that it’s simply a superior language. It stands to reason that if you have a language that really does live up to the promise of making people (say) 10 times as productive as the other languages out there, then it will only take 1/10th the people (or time) to reproduce the functionality that’s been created for other languages. And it’s been around for a decade - much longer if you consider that it was derived from ML, which started in the late 1980s.

Ich denke ich werde da mal nen Blick riskieren. Auch wenn Steve anmerkt, dass OCaml für Webserver ungeeignet sei (leider ohne zu erklären warum). Für Server gibt es jede Menge mächtige Sprachen, vielleicht ist Erlang da das richtige (wenn nicht, da ist immernoch Ruby), aber eine mächtige Sprache für den Desktop… das klingt zu verlockend, gerade mit der .NET Anbindung von F#.

Ich werde mir mal die hier zu Gemüte führen.